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Down Kids Jacket

Windproof and water-repellent Pertex® Quantum fabric
Detatchable hood
RDS Down 80/20 - FP550 Cuin. Stitched Through
Fandango Purple
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For cold weather


Snug down jacket for cold days. The down makes the jacket exceptionally well-suited to cold winter weather.


Sizes: 80-128

Down: 100% RDS certified Goose Down Down 80/20 - FP550 Cuin. Stitched Through

Weight: 390 g

Material: Pertex® Quantum: 100 % Polyamid

Fabric details: Windproof and water-repellent Pertex® Quantum fabric. Product contains bluesign® APPROVED fabrics and trimmings. Since down is a natural material, there will inevitably be some variations in color. On some of our down products, the darkest downs can sometimes be visible through the fabric.

Hood: Detachable hood. High collar.

Pockets: Front pockets.

Ventilation: None