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Tips for a successful tent trip

ACTIVITIES - 6 min. reading

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  5. Tips for a successful tent trip

With the tent on your back, you decide where you want to sleep and what view you want to wake up to. Here you will get our best tips to make the trip a success.

Before the hike:

Adapt the tour according to ability and conditions. If you have children with you, the trip will be best if you plan the trip according to their needs and not your own ambitions.

Plan your trip well and the experience will be that much better. Check the equipment before you go. It's devastating to arrive and find that the tent pegs and sleeping mat are still at home :-)

Make sure you have enough clothes with you for the trip and the weather forecast.

Remember toilet paper, mosquito repellent, a knife, flashlight, food and drink, and extra snacks, especially if you have children with you.

Pack smart. We easily pack too much with us and you want to carry as little as you can. If you are not sure what you should take with you, ask a travel-savvy friend or see DNT's packing list.

On the hike:

Set the tent up in the best and most suitable place. Find as flat of a surface as possible, and avoid setting the tent in a downward slope where water will start to collect if it starts to rain. You choose the view yourself. Waking up to next to a small lake or a magnificent view is a wonderful experience.

Close all openings (air with mosquito netting if the tent has one) so that insects do not get into the tent.

Before crawling into the sleeping bag, it is a good idea to retighten the bar downs. Waking up with the tent cloth on the tip of your nose is not a good experience. Also go to the toilet before going to bed, then your body will retain heat better. A beanie on the head is also nice to sleep with. If you use a silkliner in the sleeping bag, you also keep the heat better.

Remember to ventilate (with mosquito netting) at night. Use the awning for shoes and bags. Even in summer it gets damp outside the tent. Plan a leisurely trip so you have time to stop and listen to nature.

Where can I camp?

The Norwegian Outdoors Act gives us the right to free movement in the countryside as long as we pay attention to nature, animals and farming.

Allemannsretten, as the The Norwegian Outdoors Act is called, is the basis for outdoor life in Norway, and is often used as a collective term for the rights and obligations we have to freely use nature. It gives, among other things, the right to free movement on foot and on skis in the countryside.

The rights consists of the right to stay, including camping, bathing and resting, traveling and harvesting. Use of this public right is free.

In return, you must act with consideration and caution. Staying, traveling and harvesting in nature must take place in a considerate manner. You have to take into account others who are out in nature, permanent residents, cabin dwellers, wildlife and agriculture, which relies on nature for its sustenance. You cannot camp where there are signs to this effect.

Accommodation or camping must take place more than 150 meters away from an inhabited house or cabin. If you are going to stay in the same place for more than two days, the landowner must give you permission. If you are far from built-up areas or on high mountains, permission from the landowner is not required.

Remember to leave behind only footprints. Tidy up and lead by example.

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