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Annelie Pompe


Seven Summits

Annelie Pompe started sport climbing at the age of 13, but quickly progressed to higher and longer climbing challenges. The adventurer from Gothenburg is the woman in the world who has climbed both the highest and deepest mountains by herself, including the Seven Summits - the highest mountain on every continent.

My favorite place and my favorite activity

Luckily, my favorite place is the wild nature of the archipelago outside Gothenburg and Bohuslän. The bare rocks, the waves and the weather. Cross-country skiing, mountain skiing, alpine skiing or hiking!

My favorite activity varies a lot depending on the season. But the activity that is always with me is hiking and running with my dog. It's exercise, nature experience and meditation at the same time!

World record

The adventurer from Gothenburg, Sweden, is the woman in the world who has been both the highest and the deepest by herself. As a climber, she has climbed the Seven Summits - the highest mountain on every continent. As a freediver, she holds the world record for variable weight freediving at a depth of 126 meters without oxygen. She also holds the Swedish record for freediving without flippers, at an impressive 72 meters below sea level.

The best trip

My best trip is all the trips I've taken in Nepal! They are all beautiful in their own way with the mountains always present. But what makes a trip the best is the company and the people you meet along the way. I've never been to a country as friendly and caring as Nepal.


Annelie begynte med sportsklatring da hun var 13 år gammel, men tok raskt steget opp til høyere og lengre klatreutfordringer. I 20-årene begynte hun på IT-utdannelse, men merket fort at det ikke var noe for henne. Hun avbrøt studiene og flyttet til Dahab på Sinaihalvøya. Der jobbet hun som dykke-, klatre og yogainstruktør til hun satte verdensrekord i fridykking. Senere, under en reise i Nepal, så hun Mt. Everest live for første gang. Da skjønte hun at tiden var inne for å klatre fjellet. Hun ble første svenske kvinne til å klatre nordsiden av Everest.

My hiking tip

  • It has to be the Sunnmøre Alps and Lofoten. Just as beautiful in summer as in winter!


Annelie trains hard and actively practices yoga and breathing techniques in both freediving and mountaineering. She can hold her breath for an incredible six minutes. She has studied sports psychology and also works actively as a guide on high mountains around the world. In addition, she gives lectures and writes books about her adventures. She is also an accomplished photographer.